Friday, 29 October 2010

Loadsa Miles - Quick Weekly Roundup

Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd Sat 23rd.

After concentrating so hard this week, I can't remember what on earth I was up to last week. Did I cycle to work? No idea. There's no way I'd miss 3 days. Ahhhh Thursday wasn't a work day.

SQT 'B' session at the velodrome. What a super,exhilarating 2hr session for £9.80. There were 40- of us on the track and it was my first go. Sooo nervous as I didn't want to screw up or cause some massive pile up. Turns out the ability was mixed from regular super fast racers to sunday clubber's but I did notice they were all experienced and knew exactly what to do. Some of the tasks/skills/training looked quite advanced and I was shoved at the back to observe then copy and when it was my turn I generally knew what to do and when apart from one time ( always happens) and I got a little word down my ear. Would definitely do again as much as possible. 30-35 miles.

Went swimming with Tri club 30 mins after the SQT finish, just to get the arms used to pulling. Got cramp near the end but did go quite hard up til that time.

I must have cycled Fri and/or Sat. Ill have to ask the missus when she wakes up.

Sunday 24th

SQT 'A/B'. Not as many, maybe 25 but there were a lot more inexperienced riders and the coach just did some simple exercises. Didn't feel as fast as Thursday and was more of a chore, by the last exercise I just wanted to go home as my bum was killing me. I think the mileage was quite high with this one as the breaks were very short. In between sets, sprinters would come on and do their thing then we'd go back on. I'm sure one of them was Jason Queally, He had a superman sticker on his bike. 35miles.

This week's commutes

Monday 25th

(work)           Distance 30miles     Speed 19.3mph
(Intermidiate)  Distance 20miles     Speed 18.1mph
(home)           Distance 20miles     Speed 15.6mph

Sunday's SQT finished quite late and I was shattered from the interval work we did. Bike fit felt terrible as I have been fiddling with it recently. Post way too high and all the leg muscles were being overstretched. Couldn't get comfy on the drops or tops. The commute home wasn't fun. The first 5 uphill miles were done at 19mph then I bonked. As the rides went on I was fading fast into nothing. My position on the bike was quite far forward and I'm sure that combined with the height my muscles deteriorate super fast.

Tuesday 26th

(work)          Distance 20miles     Speed 19.2mph
(home)          Distance 20miles     Speed 20.0mph

Used mainly as a recovery day but felt quite snappy. Tempted to over do it and I might have done so. I put the saddle back and lowered it loads. Oh my! What a change. I felt I could keep going forever and that the wind didn't exist at all! Got a feeling that I'm going to be exhausted for the rest of the week? Quite windy today 10-15mph and its going to get worse through the week.

Wednesday 27th

(work)          Distance 20miles     Speed 20.0mph
(home)          Distance 20miles     Speed 19.8mph

Just to prove Tuesday wasn't a fluke I go and do some more fast commutes. This time though I was really feeling every pedal stroke and really feeling the wind too.It didn't feel like I had attained 20mph. I am not going to change my bike setup at all now. It is a dream to ride. Shame I have to give Pantani his Pro-Lite wheels back. Talking of wheels I might have ordered bargain of the century, thats if I dont get my money refunded and told that a mistake was made. No info until I get the wheels or a refund :) Wind speed was 15-18mph and was more blustery and continous than Tuesday where there were breaks of no wind. Can I carry on the speed into Thursday?

Thursday 28th

(work)     Distance 30miles     Speed 19.3mph
(inter)      Distance 20miles     Speed 19.8mph
(home)     Distance 20miles     Speeds 20.2mph

Looks like there's no stopping me. I'd have thought that I'd be a bit fatigued at the end of the week but seem to be getting stronger and stronger. Dehydration has been a major problem of mine and could be the reason behind some poor performances so from Tuesday I have been drinking loads. I have done so many changes Im not sure which has had the amazing effect on my cycling. Wind speed 21mph + ugh not nice at all. The intermediate cycle was kinda like a circular circuit so balanced out the wind and gives a better idea of true performance.  On the commute home I started off by thinking Ill only do a short cycle as the muscles were burning, tight and achey but they loosened up very very quickly so I carried on. With a couple of miles to go I couldn't stand up because I had totally worn my legs out but was able to put the power down whist in the saddle which I have never seemed to be able to do until this week. Nearly puked up at the end as I pushed my self hard due to having a couple of days off, or not? Might run fri/sat and possibly do the Rochdale Tri club Championships Triathlon on sun depending on weather and knees after running. Going to try and get bike fit on tri bike, similar to Jamis.

Total miles this week Thurs - Thurs = 280ish (not including fri/sat as Im not sure if I did cycle or not.)

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