Sunday, 15 November 2009

Very Quick weekly round up

Used this week to cycle to work every time bar one day as I was working lates so wouldn't have much time for anything else. Its only 7-8 miles each way so used the time for interval sprinting and ended up at work/home dripping wet. Friday night about 9pm was an amazing time for cycling. I tried my new front light and had 30 mph winds up my backside all the way home. The big problem was that I didn't turn my bleedin' cycle computer on and would have broken my record by miles. Cars struggled to keep up and had to rev their engines very hard to overtake. Most enjoyable.

Tuesday and Thursday I went swimming with the triathlon club. I went through a period where I found swimming very boring and couldn't motivate myself to go but recently I have been putting the effort in to get back up to fitness. It helps when the sessions are varied but very challenging which they have been. Also went swimming on Sunday which was an adult only lane swim at Middleton Arena. All lanes were out which was unusual but was for Aquabears swimming club later on, the session was 1.5hrs long and it was nice and quiet. Used the ooportunity to swim as long and as far as possible. Managed 200 lengths in about 1hr 20mins which is 5km and have never swam that far before in my life in one go.

Before the swim on Sunday I went on a bike ride, was going to do a quick one but didn't realise how quick it would be. I went 2.7 miles when I felt my rear tyre go. On inspection a very large shard of glass went all the way through the tyre and because it was so big once I changed the tube I didn't want to carry on so turned back and limped home. My pump is tiny and thought it would be really handy but it is a bit pathetic. After 200+ pumps I would estimate the tyre pressure at about 70psi. So need/want CO2 pump, more innertubes, new winter tyre,new saddle, another set of bib longs erm sure theres a few more bits.

Was messing with Jamis too and was cleaning out the tension and guide pulleys when I accidentally opened up the sealed bearing on the guide and little ball bearings scattered everywhere. I ordered 5600 ones instead of dura-ace, price difference being £40, and cant tell the difference in shifting.

More goodies have been arriving, I have 2 new front lights which seem to take a while to arrive from China but not as long as my look keo 2 max pedals from Shiney Bikes which I ordered in September and only received this week.

1 comment:

  1. My last few commutes have felt like swimming!

    I'm sick of pulling glass out of my tyres. I'm averaging about 2 puntures a week because of the stuff. It seems the local kids around here have got nothing better to do than smash bottles everywhere.
